
Stress is important: Pronunciation-changes in nouns and verbs:

Stress is very important. Observe the pronunciation changes in words - written words - which are both nouns and verbs.

Deutsch ungefähr: Betonung ist wichtig. Aussprache-Änderung bei Worten, die Nomen und auch Verben sind.

You only can hear what the word really is.

Unmöglich zu verwechseln, wenn man es hört:

Erstes Beispiel: perfect und perfect. 'Perfect, but to per'fect.

Oder: present und present. Refund, reject, subject, suspect, object, progress, project (deutsch: das Pro'jekt, aber: 'project, but to pro'ject), conduct, attribute ('attribute=Merkmal,Attribut is the noun, to at'tribute=zuschreiben is the verb), combat, 'conflict is the noun, contest, contract, escort, impact, increase, decrease, insult, permit, perseed, rebel, refill.